Everyone struggles with productivity at some point or another. Some people are simply better than others at getting motivated and getting things  done.

Just because you have trouble getting things done now, doesn’t mean it has to be like that forever. There are quite a few ways you can change your mindset and break the bad habits preventing you from being more accomplished.

Here are my five tips to feel more productive each day. Don’t feel like you need to accomplish them all at once. Try one tip each week, and then try to incorporate a few of them together until you can finally create a whole routine. 

  1. Get prepared on Sunday night for the rest of your week. Meal prep, organize your clothes for the week, and plan out your schedule.
  2. Wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual and create a morning ritual. It could be yoga, meditation, or a short walk.
  3. Set an intention for your day. What will you achieve today? How will you feel all day?
  4. Don’t look at your phone, turn on the television, or listen to the news until you’ve done steps 1, 2 and 3!
  5. At the end of your day acknowledge what you’ve accomplished and the positive things you experienced today.