Do you know someone who is constantly losing their keys, forgetting their meetings, or getting stressed about all that they have to get done?  Or maybe you can relate ?  It’s no surprise that with all the distractions around us, we tend to lose focus on the important things.  

The good news is that there are many productivity gadgets out on the market to help keep you organized and distraction-free.  With the holidays coming up, some of these items just might be the perfect gift to give to someone in your life. Or maybe, you even want to add some of these to your wish list.

Here are 10 items that I really like:

***I am not an affiliate for any of these products, they are just suggestions of things that have worked for me.

  1. Tile  If you’ve ever lost your keys, wallet or phone, this item is for you!  The Tile is a small square Bluetooth LE device that can be attached to keys (or just about anything) and be located via Bluetooth when you’re close enough in range. 
  2. Noise Cancelling headphones  There are many brands out there to choose from but the most important piece of this is the ability to block out distractions when you’re working.  Check out this article discussing the best headphones of 2020. 
  3. Old fashioned alarm clock  Most people just use their smartphone for an alarm, but studies show that putting your phone away at night leads to a distraction-free bedroom where you can get better sleep. Put the clock across the room so you have to get out of bed and shut it off without hitting the snooze button.
  4. Lemon scented candle Studies show that the scent of lemon is said to increase the heart rate and enhance mental and physical task performance. Before starting work, light a lemon candle and you may just improve your productivity.   . 
  5. Desktop organizer  A clean organized desk is conducive to a clearer mind when working.  Take some time to clean everything out of your desk area and only put essentials back into the organizer when you’re done. 
  6. Full Focus Planner  This is one planner that does it all!  Designed by leadership expert Michael Hyatt, you can use this planner to set your goals, prioritize your tasks, and chart your progress. 
  7. Moleskin Notebook from Evernote  If you like planning more with technology than paper, this is for you.   This notebook enables you to pick up a pen or pencil and create freely on paper first and then transfer your notes to a digital format.  From there you can share or edit your notes.   This is especially great for drawings.
  8. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.  This book was first published in 1990 and the ideas are still relevant today.  A great book with practical ideas to achieve personal and professional success. 
  9. Waterproof notepad for shower notes.  Who’s  ever had their best ideas in the shower?  Problem solved!
  10. Pomodoro Timer  The Pomodoro Method is a time management system that helps you focus on your work while still taking breaks.  The method breaks up time into 25 minute focused work sessions with 5 minute breaks.  The idea is to set the timer for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break and then get back to work for another 25 minutes. 

I would love to hear what other productivity gadgets that work for you!  Follow me on Facebook and comment with your best productivity tricks and tools.