How you begin your day really does matter!  

You may have noticed that when you start your day feeling calm and confident, everything  just seems to go your way.  On the other hand,  on the days you wake up late and frazzled, it feels the opposite. On those days, doesn’t it seem like you get every red light and feel like you’re playing catch up all day?  

A good morning routine is all you need.  Here are some of my favorite ways to start each day:

Avoid Your Phone

When you wake up in the morning, do you look at your phone before your eyes are barely open?  As soon as you reach for your phone, the temptation to look at your email and check social media is strong.  When you do that, however, you’re already putting your brain into a reactive mode.  Try to avoid this as long as possible so you can  start the day on your terms.  Get an old fashioned alarm clock to wake you up in the morning and put your phone in another room.

Short morning meditation/gratitude journal

Even if it’s only for a few minutes, taking some time to meditate in a way that feels comfortable to you is a great way to start your day.  Apps like Insight Timer and Headspace have great guided morning meditations.   Studies have shown that practicing gratitude also has a positive impact on physical and emotional health. It can help us stay happier, healthier, more focused and more productive.  Sounds like all good reasons to start the day with meditation and gratitude!


Get your blood flowing and wake up your mind and body with some morning exercise.  Choose something that you enjoy and that you can stick with every day.  It may be a run or bike ride, weightlifting or some yoga, but whatever it is make it part of your morning ritual.   A sharper mind, less stress,  better sleep and an overall healthier body are some benefits of morning exercise.

Set Intentions

Setting intentions for the day is the last step to prepare yourself to go out into the world and conquer your goals.  Regardless of what you have planned for the day, setting an intention is a very powerful way to make sure you stay focused on exactly how you want your day to flow.  There’s a big difference between just rolling out of bed and with creating your day’s destiny.   Today might be filled with meetings and appointments that you’re dreading and you may wonder what difference would it make to set intentions today?  But setting intentions for how you will show up at those meetings and appointments can change the outcome of the entire day.

I hope you found these tips helpful.  Your morning routine is just one small piece of self-care, but it’s such a critical part because it sets the tone for the whole day.

Try these out and see what works best for you so you can start every day on the right path!